Please read carefully before commissioning me :)

✩wip=work in progress

☛I am a full-time artist, but I do have another part-time job.☛I am chronically ill and have issues with sitting for long periods so drawing can be difficult for me to do☛Keep in mind I work another job Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I try to draw and be active on my other work days art-wise but sometimes I'm exhausted and want to relax. My specific ART work days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends!


➴Please do not bombard me with messages and check ins, it's extremely stressful for me. Check ins every 3-5 days of no progress is fine, just please no daily :)
➴Please try to be precise and clear in requesting a commission, especially if it’s not specified on my commission options
➴Please have a ref (digital preferred) so I get designs and colors correct. If you do not have a ref, you will be charged extra for a custom character fee.
➴Send me any available clear refs you have, the more the merrier!
➴Follow the rules of my commissions
➴If more than one of these isn’t followed, it can result in a decline from me


➴I require payment before I start the commission. We can talk about partials if need be but it's unlikely.
➴I accept Paypal, Cashapp, and Venmo.


➴My turnaround time is 5 days-2 months. I work on commissions in order from when they were purchased, but if a wip isn't approved, it will be paused until it is approved
➴When I give estimates for a turnaround time, it isn't a guarantee to that time frame of the commission being finished (unless there's a deadline) because life can get in the way and so can my various health conditions.
➴I send these wips: sketch, lines + color, and final
➴I will no longer change things after the drawing is colored + approved
➴Only 5 free drawing process edits are allowed, but after five you will be charged for any asked for after 5. Sketches: $1-$5 and General: $5-$10

▶Copyright Policy◀

➴Do not remove my signature from your piece
➴You can use my art for anything but profit
➴Only the commissioner and I have the right to use the piece

▶Refund Policy◀

➴I will NOT refund if I have sketched it (Goes into effect on 10/10/2023)

Disclaimer: If you didn't read my TOS and commissioned me, you cannot argue my policies. You not reading them is not my problem and if it causes a problem you may be blacklisted or your commission will be cancelled without a refund. This is my source of income and I cannot let things like that slide.




I can draw any species, ask me about humanoids! I charge a 15$ complexity fee if I see the character as complex!


Current Status: OPEN, 5/5 slots available

➶Bust, $15
➶Halfbody, $25
➶Fullbody, $35

What You Get/Extras 
Comes withSketch lines, sketch color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasShading (+1/4 price) Extra characters (+1/2 price)

Reminder: I do not refund sketches unless I haven't started!


Current Status: OPEN, 2/2 slots available


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withRefined sketch lines, clean color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasShading (+1/4 price) Extra characters and backgrounds (+1/2 price)


Current Status: CLOSED

➶50x50, $10
➶100x100, $20
➶200x200, $30

Simple Animations (blink, tongue, sparkles, etc.)
➶50x50, +$5
➶100x100, +$7
➶200x200, +$8

Complex Animations (mouth, smoke, etc.)
➶50x50, +$7
➶100x100, +$10
➶200x200, +$15

Combo Animations (any of the above together)
➶50x50, +$10
➶100x100, +$15
➶200x200, +$25

Attached Icons
➶50x50, $15
➶100x100, $30
➶200x200, $45

What You Get/Extras 
Comes withClean lines, clean color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasCustom backgrounds (+1/2 price)

Reminder: I do not refund commissions unless I haven't started!


Current Status: OPEN, 1/1 slots available


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withRefined sketch lines, clean color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasShading (+1/4 price) Extra characters and backgrounds (+1/2 price)

Reminder: I do not refund commissions unless I haven't started!


Current Status: OPEN, 1/1 slots available


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withRefined sketch lines, clean color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasShading (+1/4 price) Extra characters and backgrounds (+1/2 price)

Reminder: I do not refund half-bodies unless I haven't finished the lines!


Current Status: OPEN, 1/1 slots available


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withRefined sketch lines, clean color, and aesthetic effects
ExtrasShading (+1/4 price) Extra characters and backgrounds (+1/2 price)

Reminder: I do not refund full-bodies unless I haven't finished the lines!

✩Cheap Commissions✩

Current Status: CLOSED

Pay What You Want

Pay what you want commissions work like this:
You'll pay whatever you choose ($5-$100+) and I will draw you something. Please keep in mind that I will not be doing any detailed or extensive art for less than $20. After purchase, message me and tell me what you're looking for and I'll tell ya what I'm willing to draw for the amount paid :)

The minimum ($5) will get you a gradient map sketch headshot Anything under $10 will not be colored!
The maximum ($100+) Could get you a complex ref sheet, digital render, animation, shaded scene, etc.

Current Status: pretty much always open

Warm-up Busts

What You Get/Extras 
Comes withSketch lines, sketchy color, shading, and aesthetic effects

Reminder: Refund policy varies on these, ask me if you're curious!

✩Ref Sheets✩

Current Status: OPEN, 2/2 slots available

➶One view: $35
➶Front/Back: $70
➶Complex: $100

What You Get/Extras  
Comes withClean lines, clean color, name, species, pronouns, palette, any text info 
ExtrasMouth, headshot, outfit(s), etc. $10 each,More poses/views are $20 each

✩Custom Characters✩

Current Status: CLOSED

➶One view: $55
➶Front/Back: $95
➶Complex: $120

Reminder: I do not refund ref sheets/customs unless I haven't finished the lines!

✩Discord Emotes✩

Current Status: CLOSED

➶10.00$ per
Can be pixel or non :)

What You Get/Extras 
Comes withClean lines, clean color, and outline
ExtrasShading (+2$ each), If you buy 5 or more, you'll get 20% off your order :)

Reminder: I do not refund discord emotes unless I haven't finished the lines and color!

✩Spotify Badges✩

Current Status: OPEN, 1/1 slots available


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withClean lines, clean color, detailed shading, aesthetic effects, and background
ExtrasExtra characters and specific backgrounds (1/2 price added)

Reminder: I do not refund spotify badges unless I haven't finished the lines and color!

✩Digital Renderings✩

Current Status: OPEN, 1/1 slots available

➶Headshots/Busts, starts @ $100
➶Halfbodies, starts @ $150
➶Fullbodies, starts at @ $200

What You Get/Extras 
Comes withDetailed digital painting with as much realism as possible
ExtrasComplex designs (+$100), Extra character (+1/2 price) and Backgrounds (+$100-$150)

Reminder: I do not refund digital renders unless I haven't put down the base colors!

✩Your Character Here✩

Current Status: OPEN

✩Goober YCH✩


What You Get/Extras 
Comes withPencil linework with flat color and aesthetic effects

✩Convention/Event Vending✩

Merchandise I sell

➶Fursona Merch Box Slots
➶On-site commissions like badges, ink portraits, sketches, and acrylic marker paintings
➶Vinyl stickers
➶Art prints (sfw + nsfw)
➶Acrylic keychains + pins

My Set-up

My current art prints (sfw only)

My current sticker designs

✩Physical Items✩

✩Convention Badges✩

Current Status: OPEN, 2/2 slots available

➶Headshots, $45
➶Busts, $55
➶Halfbodies, $65

➶Holographic: +$5.00
➶Lanyard: +$2.00

✩Custom Stickers✩

Current Status: CLOSED

➶Headshots, $30
➶Halfbodies, $45

➶Holographic: +$5.00

Reminder: I do not refund con badges/stickers unless I haven't lined the drawing

✩Merch Boxes✩

Current Status: OPEN, 3/3 slots available

★Small Box, $150
➙Badge and lanyard
➙Custom headshot and chibi full-body stickers
Note for stickers: I will fit as many as I can on one sheet, the number will vary)
➙Polaroid bust printed on actual polaroid
➙Stickers that match the character’s aesthetic
★Medium Box, $280
➙All items in small box
➙Shrink plastic symmetrical headshot w/silver star keychain
➙Ink bust on bristol board
★Large Box, $400
➙All items in medium + small box
➙Print of Spotify badge (6in x 4in)
➙Acrylic marker painting (5in x 5in)

Contact Me!

The best way to contact me is discord, instagram, or twitter! I can also do email [email protected]

My Discord is calisiart
The icon below joins my commission discord server :)


The people on this list are not allowed to commission me or own designs of mine

☛How to get on this list
➴Rude or inappropriate behavior towards me
➴Chargebacks after getting a finished piece of art or if there's a violation of my refund policy
➴Selling my art/designs that you don't own
➴Lying about me on social media or in reviews
➴Violating 1 or more of my TOS


Had left a review on my Etsy shop lying about our interactions and contradicting everything that happened during the transaction.


Commissioned me with a character design they stole, lied to me about medical issues for a refund as well